
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ten on the tenth, part 2

Last Friday, Mark had a birthday party.  It is brought to you by the letter P and the number 10.  Mark has decided his favorite color is purple so the invitations to his party were purple.

We ate pizza.  Mark opened presents from his friends (they know him very well...Legos, Star Wars stuff, money to buy Legos and/or Star Wars stuff.)  I made a cake.  For the first time in years, it wasn't a Lego cake.  It was still an ugly cake though.  He wanted chocolate with purple frosting.  Not exactly an appetizing combination.  Also, we went to the pool.   We could have popped popcorn and played pictionary if things got slow.

But they didn't.

First, they all armed themselves and started a Nerf gun battle.  Is an almost 16 year old too old for that kind of thing?

Apparently not.

Braeden and Mark were on one team. (Maybe that other little guy crouched on the stairs was on their side too?)  The other team was holding Gavin hostage upstairs and Braeden and Mark had to rescue him.  I tried to take a few pictures but I felt like an embedded reporter in a war zone and mostly had to stay clear to protect myself.

a helmet and shield seemed like the right idea

Braeden and Mark formed a plan and stormed the stairs:

It seems Mark gave his weapon to Braeden...

...and just went into battle with his bare hands.
Then I decided it was time for everyone to come and eat. 

And they ate.

One boy said, "If someone touches my stomach, I will throw up all over everything.  I usually have 3-4 slices and I just ate 7."

I said, "OK.  I...really...hope that doesn't happen."

We headed to the pool which is one of those times when you realize you are a genius.  They caroused around and were loud and wild like the undomesticated creatures boys this age are....

...and my house didn't get destroyed.

The next morning Mark had Lego sets built before breakfast.

he always keeps a knife nearby for opening plastic packages quickly

I am grateful for my newly minted ten year old.  I'm grateful for his good friends.  I'm grateful for Adam and Braeden and Emma and their help in managing a wild group.

I'm grateful for all of the celebrations in life that make it wonderful.

Speaking of celebrations, here are the red-headed birthday kids last night at The Old Spaghetti Factory.

I'm starting to think they're a little spoiled. (It's a birthDAY red-heads, not a birthWEEK.)

(I do love them though.)

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

I'm glad Mark was well-celebrated!


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