
Friday, October 25, 2013

Mama Grizzly: part 2

While I didn't have full blown postpartum depression after giving birth to Emma and Mark, I did have at least one episode of emotional craziness.  Just after having a baby?  That's not the time to mess with a mother and her emotions.

It's also not a great time to walk through a crime scene.

My mom was staying with us for a few days, helping me stay afloat after Mark arrived.  I had to take him to the hospital for a PKU test.  He was just a few days old.  Adam was at work and Braeden and Emma were home with my mom.  I don't know if I would have been able to handle the errand alone with Braeden when he was a newborn so I really was in a much better state.

That is, until I left the hospital.

I wanted to get Mark home.  He was screaming because he didn't enjoy having his heel pricked for the PKU test.  I walked out of the hospital, carrying Mark.  Right outside the door, there was a man spread eagle against the wall of the building.  Several police officers had their guns trained on him and were yelling at him.

And there I was with my newborn.  On the inside, I was freaking out.  I didn't like drawn guns being in the same world as my precious newborn, let alone in the same parking lot.  I hurried to our van and got Mark all strapped in.  I climbed in my own seat, ready to flee when a police car pulled up behind me, lights flashing.

He was there for whatever other events were happening in the parking lot, he had just happened to leave his car right in my way.

A rational person may have laid low in this situation?  Stay out of the policemen's way?


I got out of the van, indignant. "Get back in your vehicle, Ma'am," the policeman said to me.

So I started crying.  (Because remember?  I was crazy.)  I told the policeman that he had to move his car because I had to get my baby home.  (Have you ever told an armed policeman what he "had" to do?  This was sort of a first for me.)  He asked me what was wrong and if my baby was OK.  I said that he was fine but I wanted to leave.

The policeman moved his car.

It all hit me as I was driving home.  What had I done?  Who was this person that scolded policemen for getting in her way?  Mama Grizzly strikes again.


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