
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The time Adam tackled a guy

I was thinking about this story and at first I thought that Braeden had already been born but now I am doubting if that's true.  I would ask Adam but he's in London and I lack the ambition to figure out what time it is there and if I should text him...


Braeden either was or was not born yet.

We were shopping at Shopko in Provo.  Adam doesn't like lines.  He always wanders off when it's the purchasing portion of the shopping trip.  I used to think that he was just being sweet and taking our kids on a walk or to the car so they wouldn't get impatient in the line.  Later I realized Adam was the impatient one.

I was in line making our purchases and Adam had wandered off.

There was some sort of announcement made that Adam recognized as code for a shoplifter.  (In high school Adam worked in grocery stores.)  Adam saw a guy flee the store with some stolen shoes.  So Adam followed him.

And tackled him.

The guy's getaway car drove away.  So that wasn't helpful for the shoplifter...

A woman who was a store employee, and confused, grabbed Adam's arm and tried to twist it behind his back.  I didn't see it because I was inside, making my purchases, but I can imagine Adam patiently pointing out to her that he was not the shoplifter, the shoplifter was underneath him.

The reason I think maybe Braeden was there is because this whole incident made me mad.  I told Adam it was not smart to tackle random shoplifters who may or may not be armed.  I remember being indignant on behalf of Braeden who presumably could have been left fatherless over a pair of shoes.

Maybe I was just pregnant and indignant?

Despite my disapproval of Adam's actions, I do sort of like this story.  It illustrates a key part of his personality, something he inherited from both of his parents.  When he sees a need, he jumps in to help.  Even if it means tackling someone.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

This world needs more good tacklers.


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