
Thursday, April 6, 2023

Icicle dreams

Yesterday we traversed the green verdant fields of California, the steep snowing canyons of the Sierra Nevadas, the high desert that is uniformly the color of mushrooms this time of year and landed back in our dreamy Pleasant Hill.

The icicles weren't exactly welcoming, but Adam knocked them down.

We unpacked and ate dinner sitting at the counter.  We talked about how we could improve the lighting.  We sat by the fire and Adam finished reading our book aloud.  

The moonlight made the icicles outside the window above our bed glisten and shine.  I've always thought it was magical sleeping under a full moon.

This morning the sun was lighting up the icicles.

Today Adam is going to do some work and I have a list of projects to feather our nest around here.

If we can't have spring, we might as well have icicles.

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