
Monday, April 24, 2023


Adam was gone most of the weekend and I missed him.  It's harder to have him gone on weekends than during the week, because weekends are Adam time.

Friday was a taxing day.  I sought meetings with everyone who had frustrated me the day before in an effort to smooth things out.  Everything ended amicably and better, but it was still taxing.

I decided to go to Costco on my way home from work.  I was frazzled and I wanted to get it out of the way and then just go home and stare at a blank wall.

Well, Costco wasn't the solo introvert experience I was expecting.  Fridays are jeans day at work and I was wearing an "It's a Great Day to Learn" t-shirt.  Many people commented on it.  "Hey, I'm a teacher too!"  "You're a teacher!" "I like your shirt!"

No more Costco for me after work.

Too people-y.

Saturday I was up early and zipped around energetically getting all my work accomplished.  Then I was done and spent the day on enjoyable pursuits, but I was also kind of lonely.  Next time I'll go slower.

Braeden and Anna and QE called in the evening.  FaceTime is maybe one of the most important things in my life.  I gave her a board book of A Child's Prayer for Easter and it is one of her favorite books now.  I sang the song to her and she looked at the book.  She kept looking at the phone like it was kind of incredible that I knew the words too.

There's a picture of Jesus in the book and she lingers over it and gives a happy little laugh every time she sees it.  I'm not sure what nonbelievers would think about the fact that babies are so drawn to pictures of Jesus.  I noticed it with my own children and now with QE.  They remember Him; they were just there.

Adam woke up in Washington, D.C. on Sunday morning (granted very early) and through the miracle of air travel, made it to church with me at noon.  I was happy to have that kid back in town.

In the afternoon we took a walk with Mark along the Murdock Canal trail and checked out the Lindon Temple progress.  It is right next to the trail and I can't imagine how it has changed the view for the people who live above the trail.  They used to have a vista of the valley and lake and valley and now they have a huge temple.  

Could be worse.

Also, they may need blackout curtains.

We found a baby toy in the couch that QE left there.  I wish we found more toys because that would mean she would come more often.

Clarissa and Emma came over for dinner which is always a highlight.  I gave a little demonstration I had seen on instagram but I adapted it to a gospel message.  And also I made a mess.  We visited and enjoyed each other and played Qwixx while listening to yacht rock because that is the only way to Sunday around here.

Adam leaves for Tempe tonight.  It's a short trip and then he's home for a while.  And I'll be glad for that because I miss him.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

You are a wonderful grandma!


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