
Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Monday Monday

The third grade team had subs and we spent the day collaborating.  We talked about what worked well this year; what we want to improve.  We ordered things for next year and decided decided decided.

It was a productive day, plus I was with my friends, so it was a good day.

I had to go to the special ed room at one point because one of my students had a come apart.  I crawled under a desk and read her a story and we got through it.

I made the mistake of walking down the hall right when my class came in from lunch recess.  They were in the hall getting drinks, but mostly involved in shenanigans.  They ran up to me and hugged me and exclaimed, "Mrs. Davis!" like 1) I was their favorite person in the world and 2) they hadn't seen me for months.

Today, when I'm in the classroom, they'll act ambivalent toward me.

I asked my sub how the day had gone.  She said, "Well...YOU know your class."

So that well, huh?

After school Adam and I had dentist appointments.  I didn't have any cavities or any treacherous teeth dying on the inside.  I need to floss better.

In the evening we had a YEN (young empty nesters) dinner.

We could bring whatever side dish we wanted and I brought cookies.  I know to stay in my lane.  I'm not about that salad life.

Adam and I sat across from Shannon and Chris.  We talked about everything from taxes (the woes!) and politics (Shannon is waaaaaay right wing) and food, because we like to introduce each other to new food and Chris has a new curry pizza place he wants us all to go to.  Shannon is hesitant and I told her she can rally.

Greg and Jenn joined us from the other table and we all started talking about TV shows and movies.  Shannon gave Jenn and me homework of what she wants us to watch.  "I'm going to want a report!"

We got talking about something else but Jenn and Terri, down the table started singing their school song (they both went to Timpview--so did Kim, but she doesn't know the song).

Shannon went to PG (unlike all you carpetbaggers, she said) and sang the song and Adam gave a rousing rendition of the Wells High school song.

What can I say, I married well.

I feel like YEN is breathing new life into our social lives.  These are our friends and we have fun.


Marianne said...

I'm so impressed Adam knows the WHS fight song!

Olivia Cobian said...

Edgar never stops singing the WHS fight song.

Mark Dahl said...

YOu 3 girls are so funny.


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