
Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Making me angsty

Monday I felt pretty good all day about school.  I attributed it to having had a break, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

When I was walking to lunch, I hoped that since a certain student was absent, that wasn't the reason I was feeling footloose and fancy free.

Well, the student was back yesterday and it mattered.

And it wasn't just that student.  I had students be mean to others.  They were chatty.  My diabetic went WAY low and that was a bit of a panic situation.  I had a student just cross out every problem on her math page and turn it in like that.  I had whining.

Why is it always such a struggle?!?

Speaking of things that are always a struggle, I was making copies on Bertha (the copiers all have names and personalities).  There was a misfeed and jam.  I opened up all the little complicated doors and retrieved my mangled paper.  It still wouldn't work so I went and told Camie.  That's usually the end game with the copy machines.  We make our problem Camie's problem.

Camie said, "Ohhhh Bertha."

My student teacher needed me to fill out some forms on a BYU website and every college website I've ever dealt with is THE WORST.

It was unable to log me in so I called the fresh faced young kid (I'm guessing) at the BYU IT desk.  He reset something and I was able to get into the website.  Then, my student teacher wasn't associated with my name like she is supposed to be.  

She contacted her supervisor and the supervisor's advice?  Your teacher will have to call someone about that....

By that point, I had given up for the day though.  I'll try again.

Adam had meetings so it was Mark and me for dinner and I didn't have any ideas for dinner and I didn't feel like eating anything anyway.

I went to the store on the way home from school and patched together a menu for the rest of the week.  Gluten free, moderately healthy, moderately easy to prepare (nothing labor intensive on a school night please and thank you).  Also, it had to be something know...tastes good.


I'm out of ideas.  Can someone just tell me what's for dinner every night for the rest of my life?

I had a weird hodge-podge of stuff in my cart and I got in a line.

The single senior citizen in the county who still writes checks just so happened to be in front of me.

Long sigh.

We got through that whole process and then her address on the check didn't match her address on her drivers license.  They had to call over a manager.

The manager explained the problem.

She said, "Well, it's not going to match until 2024 because that is when my license expires."

So there we were at an impasse and they eventually just said OK.

I went home to the train wreck that is my house that still isn't put at rights since our trip.

Everything doesn't always go so very well.

On the other hand, I have daffodils blooming in my front yard.

Maybe that balances everything out.

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