
Friday, June 9, 2023

Grateful Friday

Yesterday I walked with my mom and sisters, sat in my parents' living room and visited with them (and Marianne for a little while), weeded part of a flower bed, washed the inside of the windows, read my book, and ate a really good egg salad sandwich salad for lunch.

It is just nice.

When I was outside, I realized that the sounds I was hearing were exactly like the YouTube video I projected on the screen during end of year testing to make the room relaxing.  Between the birds and the babbling brook, it's pretty blissful.

A good thing about me weeding, is that I have my own plant identification app and it is Olivia.  I took a picture of something and asked her if it was a friend or foe.  She texted back that it was a columbine plant and would have beautiful flowers.

I've also been watching the owls.  I sent Ammon a picture of two of them roosting in the barn window (the barn is his).  

He said it is basically Hogwarts.

Everything was so zen that while I was reading in the late afternoon, I took a short nap.  Peaceful easy feelings abound.

Adam arrived in the late afternoon.  He was telling me something about work and then, in the context of work (I realized later), he said, "I guess it's 5:30."

Then he went to (you'll never guess) mow and I thought that if it was 5:30, I should start dinner.  I didn't bother to verify the time and we have a clock and everything.

So at 5:15 local time, I went outside and told Adam dinner was ready.  When he said it was 5:30, he meant mountain time.

So we had an early dinner. 

After eating and more mowing (him) and washing the dishes (me), we went on a bike ride.  I have a bike I've barely ridden.  I brought it to Nevada because I thought I would try to ride it here where there isn't traffic and rules bike riders need to know.

I brought Adam's bike too.  I discovered that riding a bike after years is indeed like riding a bike.  You remember how.  

What your body forgets is that it is sort of hard work when you haven't done it for awhile.  

It wasn't a super long bike ride....

I'm grateful to be here.  Starr Valley in June is pretty much paradise.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

So lovely to have you here!


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