
Monday, June 26, 2023


My slow moving start to today is inversely proportional to my really big to do list.  

We had a nice weekend though.

Adam and I went to Nevada and as soon as he unloaded the car, he started mowing.  I put everything away and swept the floors and did all the things.  It is nice to be there and feels more and more like ours.

Hedwig disagrees.

She likes our front porch and has a very accusing look whenever she sees me.

Saturday morning, I was awake before Adam and I noticed three cows come down the orchard side of the house (they were escapees from up on the hill).  They knocked over our Starlink satellite thing that we need to mount on the roof (for example, cows knock it over).  Then the cows started licking it.  It is white and square and I think they thought it was a salt block.  I opened up the door to go chase them away but I was barefoot and I saw the offering of mice bones on the doorstep that Hedwig had left and I opted to just yell at the cows instead.

Adam thought it was an exciting way to wake up.  Me yelling, "Go away!"

Adam finished mowing while I went over to my parents' house.  Olivia called when I was there and she was driving home from girls' camp.  Also she was sick.  We heard about her time while she drove and my mom and I both cried because we were touched by all the great things that happened at girls' camp.  Olivia does so much good in the world and I'm glad she's mine.

Olivia got home so my mom and I walked some codeine cough syrup over to her.  Our cousin Hannah had gone to girls' camp too with her girls so their family was at Olivia's.  It was fun to see them and visit a little.  Edgar was making Mexican hot dogs and Olivia encouraged us to stay.

When Edgar is making anything I need about zero encouragement to stay.

Our car was at my parents' house and Adam was at our house with no car so I not only invited Adam to lunch too, but I borrowed a car to go get him.  

Basically I have a lot of social graces....

But Edgar's cooking!

In the afternoon Adam and I cleaned off the front porch--mostly Adam with the power washer--and we washed the outside of the windows and we repaired six screens.  

I also admired the yellow roses.

Yellow is not my favorite color but those are my favorite flower.  They smell amazing and remind me of the most idyllic summer day of my childhood memory.

After dinner we went to my parents' house to visit--Marianne and Robert and Carolina were there too.  My dad said that he wanted to ask me a favor.  I asked if he wanted me to do some excavating, because I could use the practice....

It wasn't that.

We are in full planning mode for the family reunion.  My dad's family is in charge this year and I am armed with a list.  If I had a nickel for every time my mom told me to save the receipts because she is going to pay me back, I wouldn't need to save any receipts. 

I love that about my mom though.  She wants to do stuff for her children and not the other way around and she learned it from her mom.  They are generous ladies!

Sunday morning we closed up the house which was pretty fast because we'll be back next week, but is always a thing.  I wanted to tell Hedwig yes to catching mice but no to leaving their bones on the doorstep but she wasn't around.

Braeden was speaking in his ward so we listened to that during the first part of sacrament meeting in the Wells.  Covid's best gift is being able to hear Braeden speak in church.

My mom taught Relief Society and I loved hearing her teach.  It reminded me of when she was my  Merrie Miss teacher and my YW leader.  And also, you know, being my mom.  She's taught me a lot over the years and I appreciate her wisdom.  I also loved sitting next to Olivia in Relief Society.

Every time we're there, I hate to leave.

The land of the setting sun does not disappoint.


Marianne said...

I'm glad you're coming back soon because I didn't get enough Davis time!

Olivia Cobian said...

Love this post! And I thought marigolds were your favorite flower?


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