
Wednesday, February 21, 2024


It was a Monday/Tuesday back at school after a long weekend.

One of my students came in mad.  He threw a chair and tried to hit a kid and was so impossible to console that the special ed. aide who I had called, called the office.

Matt came in smiling and said, "Don't you think he feels the way we all feel this morning?"

He talked the student into coming out from under his desk and joining the group.

Later, my student reverted to the same behavior.  This time Matt took him away for a little while.

Welcome back to school.

During math, my students were sitting on the rug and I noticed one girl sobbing, her shoulders heaving up and down.

"What is wrong?!?"

"My tooth is bleeding!"

I had her show me.  She had a loose tooth and one small drop of blood on her finger.  I instructed her to  go get a Kleenex and said her tooth would probably come out soon.  She got a Kleenex but kept crying so loudly that everyone kept looking at her and when I am at the whiteboard pontificating about fractions, I want to be the center of attention. 

I sent her to her desk.

I hope she gets it together before she embarks on childbirth someday.

Later in the morning we were sitting and reading about the Wright brothers and heard a loud crack and one of the wall panels separating my room from Miriam's fell towards my room about 3/4 of an inch.  It was...alarming.

There is a fairly heavy shelf on my side that houses their cubbies and hopefully that will help keep the wall up.

I saw Riley later.  He saw me coming and I must have had a look on my face.  "Did someone throw up?"

I said, "No, but my wall is falling down."

He said, "That's a new one."

And considering where he works "a new one" is a pretty rare occurrence.

So my day was a little crazy, but also, not that unusual.  It was good to be back.

After school, Adam and Braeden and Geri and QE stopped by so I could show her off to all my friends.  They were kind and long suffering just like they are every time I show them her latest picture.  Jamie was in my room and when QE pulled the book Madeline off the shelf and said, "Madeline!" Jamie was impressed.  

When QE grabbed another book and said, "Madeline and the Bad Hat," Jamie was even more impressed.  The girl loves books!

We went to UVU and met up with Mark and he gave us a tour.  Sweet QE hadn't had her nap and she was a good little soldier.  We were all exhausted so Adam picked up Thai food and we had it at our house.  (Except Adam.  He went to the church for meetings.)

Emma came for dinner.  They convinced me to play a round of Qwixx after dinner even though I was tired and ready for bed.  I won so it was worth staying up for.

Emma had come on Saturday, Sunday and Monday also.  When she left she said, "As much as I love seeing you, I will be glad not to drive here from Salt Lake tomorrow."

All good things must come to an end.

And I'm off to school to see if I have a wall.

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