
Monday, February 19, 2024


It's been a busy one and it's not over yet!

Saturday was Emma's birthday.  We also had Geri, Braeden and Anna and QE fly in.  Emma did the airport runs and brought everyone in time for dinner.  We had spaghetti with mizithra cheese and I made a lemon strawberry cake that Emma and I kind of made up and didn't turn out as pretty in real life as I envisioned. 

Story of my life.

After dinner my parents arrived.  My dad had cake, my mom had berries and Mark had some tarta de Santiago which I had tried out.  

It was good.  A definite gluten free keeper!

QE was just going to bed when my parents arrived so they got to say goodnight and the rest of us enjoyed some time visiting.

Sunday Mark and Emma joined us and we all traipsed into church and I had already told everyone, we are not sitting on the front row.  When we were walking in, I told Braeden, "We're not."

Our first day in this ward, I didn't want to sit on the front row (which is our normal spot) and bring attention to ourselves.  Braeden strided in first and the rest of us followed and there we were, the new people drawing attention to ourselves.

We sat in the back and the reason I didn't want to cause a big stir was because we were getting a new bishop and it was Adam.

I sat next to him at the start of the meeting and his always warm hand that I was holding was ice cold.  It was that way before we got married and whenever he's speaking in church.  I guess you could call it his tell.

When they sustained him and his counselors, they walked up to the stand and it occurred to me that I would not be sitting by him in church again for a while!

They had the outgoing bishop and his counselors speak as well as the bishop's wife.  They wanted me to bear my testimony and I was mostly thinking I wasn't going to be asked to because Adam had seen two versions of the program and I was speaking in one, and not speaking in the other.  But they announced my name.  Adam spoke and the stake president was the last speaker.  

I felt like I needed a nap after that!

I think I feel a lot of sympathy stress.

I am grateful for Adam.  I appreciate being married to a man worthy and willing to serve.  I'm grateful to our family who came to show their love and support.  

When Adam was first extended the call, I told him I would support him however I could.

He said, "Will you go to Girls' camp with me?"

I said, "Yes, to the night when the bishop goes?"

He said, "What if I want to go all week?"

I said, "No."

He said, "So the first thing I asked, you said no?"

I said, "Yep."

He said, "There's nothing in the handbook that says the bishop's wife can't sit on the stand with him."

I said, "I'm not doing that."

He said he wondered if I actually would be supportive.

He doesn't really want me to do either thing, he just knew which questions to ask to demonstrate the limits of my support!

We had a nice afternoon together, visiting and playing with QE and reading to her.  For dinner, we invited Anna's parents and sister Natalie, so they could visit and Liberty and Nikki came (the rest of the kids were in Nevada for the long weekend).  It was very nice to all be together and as I watched QE ricochet around the room between people who love her, it made me happy.

This morning Anna flew home very early to get back for work.  Adam and Geri and QE are here until Wednesday.  My parents are staying until tomorrow when Ruben is going to the Provo temple.  I wish I could do that too, but I have schoolchildren to teach!

So our life is going to change and I don't 100% know to what extent yet.  I was talking to my dad about the new windows we got in our house in Nevada and he said, "Maybe in 5 years you can go and enjoy them."


I don't know.


Gwilliam Fam said...

Oh wow! He will do wonderful things for the ward and all of the young men! And your cabin... definitely a sacrifice. My heart hurts a little for you in that way but what an example on putting God first.

Olivia Cobian said...

Why didn't it occur to me until now that you won't be able to come as much on weekends? There are still summer weekdays, right? And you can get up really and go back on Sunday mornings now and then? Adam can work from home?


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