
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Owl done

 I got the very good news yesterday that I had passed everything for my master's degree!  I am so happy!  It was a lot of work and I had a very nose to the grindstone summer, but I did it!

I had this message on my student portal:

The mascot for WGU is Sage, the owl.  As in night owl because a lot of people work on their degrees while having full time jobs.

I texted my family and Mark and Emma sent this:

My children know that I think Future Thelma is "an incompetant cow," which is why I don't like to  procrastinate.

Also, Emma, let's do it! (We're going to Disney World with some of Adam's co-workers and yes, I will be bragging to them about my graduation!)

This weekend feels like it will be a very good celebration.

Braeden called last night to congratulate me.  He said, "Both my parents have master's degrees!"

I said, "Your dad's is a little different than mine."

He said, "What yours lacks in prestige is made up in speed and lack of student debt."

He's not wrong.

Then we talked about the presidential debate which is expected when your son is a political science PhD candidate.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Thelma. You are very competent and a hard worker which shows up in your blog repeatedly. Your passion for teaching is a wonderful attribute of a great teacher. Geri

Marianne said...

So proud of you! --Signed, the sister without a Master's Degree

Olivia Cobian said...

You're amazing! Well done!

Olivia Cobian said...

Marianne, since you are the reason I have a master's degree, I think it counts.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! You’re inspiring Thelma Lou! Congrats 🎉🎊🎈 (Erin)


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