
Friday, September 6, 2024

Grateful Friday

 I had a headache all week.  Wednesday I did the fun Tylenol, Advil, Excedrin thing at school and it made it so I could get through the day, but not...well.

Adam heroically rubbed my shoulders and tried to help, but I was kind of a wreck. 

I took my sumatriptan, which had never failed me before, but I was awake for hours during the night with a splitting headache.

Finally in the 3:00 hour, I wrote sub plans.

How coherent do you think 3:00 AM sub plans are?  I'm guessing not very.

I felt bad about missing school so close to the beginning of the year, but also, everything hurt and I was dying.

I also felt so discouraged.  This darn neck of mine is both a literal and figurative pain.  In the neck.

Before going to work, Adam said, "Go to the chiropractor."

I went faithfully to the chiropractor for years, but then quit when physical therapy helped so much.  Adam said, "Your neck is...messed up.  It isn't muscular."

I called the chiropractor, barely croaking out my words, still in my pjs.

She said, "Can you come right now?"

I said yes.

I threw on some clothes and avoided the mirror altogether.  I am sure I looked like someone who had been up with a migraine most of the night.  I drove to the chiropractor, they got me right in and gave me a hero's welcome.  The prodigal daughter had returned.  (I think they mostly missed my every two weeks payments.). He confirmed that my skull was sitting on my spine in an unfriendly way and fixed me. 

For the rest of the day I moved gingerly and felt like I'd been hit by a truck (the aftermath of both the migraine and the sumatriptan), but I wasn't in excruciating pain and I will take that.

I finally felt hungry and Jersey Mike's has a drive thru so around lunchtime I texted Adam and asked him what I like at Jersey Mike's.  He catalogs all my favorite things from restaurants in that big brain of his.

He always either knows what I have liked in the past or can parse out what I'm in the mood for.  

He texted me this:

He wasn't wrong.

I alternated ice and heat on my neck and drank water and read and worked a little on the last assessment for my degree and talked to Marianne and felt grateful.

I'm grateful I can take a day off and the world doesn't stop spinning.

I'm grateful for chiropractors when you really need them.

I'm grateful for Adam.

I'm grateful for ham and provolone because it is what I wanted.

1 comment:

Mark Dahl said...

I am glad you are feeling better.


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