
Friday, September 25, 2009

Shoe Wars

Chapter One: The Switcheroo

When Emma was this age:

(and don't be fooled by that sweet and innocent bald-headed goodness)

...she used to remove her shoes and put them on the wrong feet. She did it just because she could and because it was a lot of fun to watch me remove them and put them on the right feet again.

I finally gave up and let her wear them on the wrong foot.

Then she stopped switching them.

Because it wasn't fun anymore if I wasn't going to play.

Chapter 2: The Mary Jane Years

When Emma was this age:

(and don't be fooled by that toothy smile and affectionate brother hug)

...Emma started disliking everything I liked (she hated that jumper shown in the picture...according to her it was grey and dumb). My favorite shoes, especially for little girls, are Mary Janes and Emma was decidedly against them.

Every shoe shopping trip was antagonistic. Her tastes ran in more sparkly and Dora the Explorer decal directions. There was a lot of sighing and pouting (and that was just me).

Chapter 3: A Tentative Peace

This girl...

...and I have been getting along pretty well when it comes to footwear. She's past Dora the Explorer decals and since she's been in women's sizes (sigh), there aren't many Mary Janes anyway.

My job is just to make sure she doesn't pick shoes where the heels are too high.

Chapter 4: A New Chapter

Today we went shoe shopping.

And all of the sudden, I care EVEN MORE about what shoes the girl picks.

Because without warning, we are wearing the same size.

I want her to get cute shoes because while her feet are likely not done growing...

...mine are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, my!! Where are we going to find shoes for our daughters when they are full grown? Clarissa is a 10 1/2 now. Where will this end? Love, M


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