
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Adam's nemesis

When Adam was a student at BYU, he was called into the honor code office because he had been arrested for drunk driving.

Adam had them check the social security number.

Ohhhhh.  It was a different Adam Davis.

Nevermind.  You're excused.

After we were married and living in Provo, we got a phone call in the middle of the night.

"Are you Adam Davis?" the voice demanded.


"Are you dating my mom?!?"


"Do you live in Pleasant Grove?"


They hung up.

When we bought our house in Pleasant Grove, our realtor called us at one point because there were several tax liens outstanding for Adam Davis in Pleasant Grove.

Again, check the social security number.

I hope I meet this other Adam Davis someday. He seems to lead a colorful life.

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