
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Team rocket

The Jorgensens hosted a party for Braeden and he and his four best friends (they call themselves Team Rocket for reasons I don't pretend to understand) dressed for success (?) and David took their pictures.

David emailed Braeden the pictures and Braeden asked me to put them on my blog because it is basically his scrapbook.

So, for your viewing pleasure:  Team Rocket.

(Will it surprise you to know these are...drama friends?  They will do anything for attention and for a laugh.)

Braeden, Josh, Jadon, Griffin and Leif

the boys with the argyle socks

Here they are playing Apples to Apples.  I'm sure these five boys were arguing excessively.  It's sort of their love language.  That and argyle socks.

Some of the girls got involved with the photo shoot:

There's really nothing quite like these kids.  I will miss them.

I haven't had the gumption to get anything like a going away party together for Braeden.  Janet knew what he needed.

Someday, somehow I'll figure out a way to repay the kindnesses everyone in the world has given me.  Until then, I am very grateful. 

Braeden bought that jacket at a thrift store which is one of his favorite places to go.  Inside a pocket there was a funeral program for a man who apparently loved baseball.  "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" was sung at the funeral.  Braeden and Leif now do a lovely funereal rendition of the song.  Also in the pocket were a handful of unwrapped mints.  I said, "You didn't eat them, did you?"  Braeden said, "No, I handed them out in my Sunday School class."

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

I think mints have no expiration date.


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