
Thursday, December 8, 2016

A full house

The thing with Christmas parties is that you can't very well spill outside.  Especially when the temperature is in the teens.

Last night we had a Young Women party at our house.  There were 30 of us.  There was lots of food and lots of laughter and noise and...lots of clean up.

We had a white elephant gift exchange with some really funny gifts and some really nice gifts and some really lame gifts (I'm looking at you can of green chiles).  I contributed 5 gifts because I wrapped up random stuff from the YW closet that no one wanted or had wanted for the last decade.  I conveniently didn't take a gift and then pawned all the leftover gifts off on the eager youngest girls (the leaders all brought extra gifts and I didn't want to get left with anything.)  It all worked out and everyone went home happy.

Maybe the only people not happy are the mothers of the youngest girls whose daughters brought home armloads of junk.

Luckily the gift Emma brought--some wrapped pictures of Nicholas Cage she printed off the internet--fell into the right hands.  Larisa laughed and then Emerie stole them from her and I think if one of the young girls had received them, they wouldn't have been very happy.

It was fun.  They're good girls.  I feel increasingly more comfortable around them.

I think they feel comfortable too.  When she was leaving my counselor, Cortney, herded a bunch of girls out too.  They may have stayed all night.

Which would have been OK.  I would have just gone upstairs to bed. 

Emma got Special Agent Oso.  I had no idea who that was.  Someone from Disney Channel.  Emma said Mark used to watch it.  I have no memory of that.  I think I was too busy to pay attention to what Mark was watching.

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