
Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Camp Read-A-Lot

Yesterday was a camp day in 3rd grade.

(It wasn't actual camping.  I'm not crazy.)

Each classroom was a station and the classes rotated.  In my classroom, I read them The Berenstain Bear's Bear Scouts book.  I loved it when I was a kid and it absolutely still holds up.  It cracked them up.

One boy was very excited because he has that book, but one of the pages was missing.  So we were able to solve the mystery of the missing page for him.

We also did an art project and I gave them juice (which I 100% held over their heads--no juice until the floor is cleaned up).

Janelle gave them s'mores and they painted rocks.  Miriam had set up tents and they read inside them using flashlights.

It was a fun time.

We also had the practice for our dance festival outside with all the children.  Tomorrow is the real thing and I think Mark is going to come.  He got home yesterday from California where he visited QE and her parents.  I have coated on the sunscreen and I may take an umbrella.  Sitting in the hot sun for hours requires protection when you are as pale as me!

I talked to Marianne yesterday afternoon and I told her that I had an intention for the summer.  It is a weird intention but I knew Marianne would understand because in a lot of ways, we are the same person.  I said, "I'm going to not be productive.  Well, not super productive."

She said, "Will you be happy not being productive?"

"Probably not," I said.  "That's why I said not super productive."

She didn't seem convinced.

(This is what comes of having task oriented parents.)  

But I do want to be a little lazy.  I want to read.  I want to try new recipes.  I want to make my back and neck stronger.  I want to clean up all the files on my old computer.  I want to catch up on Snapfish books.  I want to set up a toy room for QE.  

I want to be productive, just not super productive.


Marianne said...

All those things you want to do sound productive to me. Sorry. I don't think you have not being productive in you.

Olivia Cobian said...

I agree with Marianne.


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