
Monday, May 15, 2023


Friday Adam and I went to the Lehi Arts Center to watch my friend Courtney perform in Bright Star.  It was so good!  I've seen the show before but it definitely hit differently now that I am a grandma!  Several other friends from school went too and it was fun to be there together supporting the amazingly talented Courtney.  

Saturday was a busy one.  Mark and I went to UVU to a new student open house situation.  He's going there in the fall.  He said I "could" come, but he didn't "need" me to come with him.

I read the email and saw that we needed tickets to the event.  I found where we were supposed to be going and I also located the person we needed to talk to about orientation sign up and getting connected with an adviser, so maybe he kind of did need me, but I kept quiet about it.

Also, I couldn't be too proud of myself because I got really lost in the student center.  I said, "Isn't this where we came in?"

Mark said, "This is the exact opposite of where we came in."

In my defense, we'd turned around a lot and it felt like someone was preparing me for pin the tail on the donkey.

I wanted to go to the institute building but it was closed.  If I was in charge of the world, institute buildings would be open on college campuses when the moms are there with the kids.  That is all.

Adam, who had been home working in the yard, joined us for lunch and then we went home to keep working.  Adam and Mark put the ceiling of the deck back together where it had come apart and Adam reattached one of the steps that had blown off.

Have I mentioned it was a hard winter?!?

Our yard is feeling it!

I busied myself getting the indoors all spiffy and I made important decisions like which serving dishes to use because I was having a party!

I threw a farewell party for Janelle and Kate because they are both leaving Bonneville.  I am not happy they are leaving, but I decided a party was more grown up than just whining, "Don't leave me!"

I think 8 women came to the party (and one toddler).  It was so fun!  I think it is the first time since I left Washington and my book club and writing group that I have been that comfortable having a group of friends over.  We talked and laughed nonstop for hours.  I made a pesto cheeseball and had fruits and vegetables (and my mom's dill dip which is so good!).  Miriam brought pulled pork sliders (on homemade rolls--she is amazing!) and mini cheesecakes.  Jamie brought a charcuterie board that only Jamie could bring.  She always elevates everything to the next level.  We are at all different life stages and circumstances but have so much in common.  Something was said about my class and I said I was tired of people telling me that I have a hard class.  They asked in dismay, "Who said that?!?"

They get me.

Maren brought her 20 month old and he was delightful.  I pulled out a box of toys.  Because this is a grandparent house and we're ready.

Lauren said something about us being able to wear jeans to work next year and a few of us, including me, said, "What?!?"

She said, "Don't you people read your email?"

I clearly don't, but I appreciate people who do.

Jeans will be a game changer.  I basically wear colored jeans now, but being able to wear actual jeans will be welcome.

The evening was just another reminder of how much I love my job and the people I work with.  It's a wild ride sometimes but I am there alongside the best people.

Sunday was a nice day.  I am grateful to my mother (who I didn't call because I knew she had company--don't think I forgot!). I'm also grateful for Adam's mom and our grandmothers and all the women who have mothered me along the way.  One of our speakers in church yesterday talked about Miriam, Moses's sister, who watched over and protected him.  She said something about how we all have had Miriams in our lives.  It made me think of my sisters and teachers and friends and the women who may or may not know they are my mentors in life.  Motherhood is very sisterhood adjacent and I'm grateful to be part of it.

Mother's Day always makes me grateful to be a mother.  What an honor and a gift it is to be the one who got to mother Braeden, Emma and Mark.  They add sparkle to my life.  I'm also grateful for Adam.  He's my partner in every good way.

And now, ten more days of school!  Time is zipping!

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