Bad news: I cut my hand with scissors (I didn't know that was a thing).
Good news: the scissors are sharp.
Bad news: I'm terrible with directions and remembering where places are.
Good news: I came up with a system. Places I dislike (the dentist, Winco) are on 800 North. Places I like (Target, the library) are on Center Street. This serves me well.
Bad news: I had to wait a long time for Mark to be done at school. (He had last minute rehearsal but didn't communicate that I sat in the car.)
Good news: I had a book to read.
Adam called me from San Francisco and said, "I have good news and bad news." I never like bad news when he's on a business trip. It usually means delayed flights. He said, "The good news is, the presentation went well. The bad news is that my flight was delayed. But I was able to get an even earlier flight so I'll be home 3 hours earlier than I would have been."
I said, "I don't think that's bad news."
Bad news: Adam doesn't know how good news/bad news works.
Good news: He came home early.
So maligned, and by my own wife for the sake of a laugh. It was a good news, bad news, good news call. I went next-level. That's how I operate.
Adam defends himself well. Glad he's home early!
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