
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Curly boys

I'm glad Braeden and Emma came over Sunday because Sunday night our governor mandated that no casual gatherings could happen between households.  (Anna had stayed home because she was feeling sick.  Our kids are conscientious rule followers when it comes to the coronavirus!  We did FaceTime with her a little though.)

Braeden got a table from the garage and set it up in the other room out of an abundance of caution I guess?  I don't know.  I've already had it and Mark and Adam must have immune systems of steel since they didn't also get it.  Braeden said he was the sovereign, sitting at his own table, and he grabbed a blanket to wrap around himself because he has never not loved costumes.

After dinner and after FaceTiming with Anna, we started combing Mark's hair which is incredibly long and every time I tell him to go get a haircut he says it's no shave November, which isn't really applicable if you ask me.

He took his shirt off because this style took water

There really was no end to the fun we could have with his hair.

Then Braeden said, "Comb my hair too!"

And I wondered why they weren't like this when they were little boys and I was combing their hair before church.

Both boys could get a really good flip going with those curls.

What is the point of all this?  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.

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