
Friday, April 12, 2024

Grateful Friday

I revamp our reading groups at school all the time, looking for the right fit.

I think I've found it.  We read silently (me too!) and the kids love it and so do I.  I call a small group back to my table, we read for ten minutes and then talk for about five minutes about what we're reading, then I call back another group.  I have an aide that does the same thing at a different table.  They can read whatever they want.  Yesterday I had a few kids reading graphic novels, one was reading a big book about space, one was reading her second book about fairies, one was snickering over a book of knock knock jokes and one was reading a book about how to write jokes.

It's a magical time and I'm grateful for it.

I'm grateful that my watch is working.  I took my silver Tommy Hilfiger watch that I've had for about 20 years to get the battery changed.  Several times when I have done that, the guy will tell me that it is not the battery, but the watch.  They've told me that it won't work much longer.

This time, the guy said, "The battery still has a lot of life left.  I think the watch isn't working."

Low key panic.  

I had him put a new battery in anyway and the watch is working.  If it's only running on love at this point, I'll take it.

I'm also grateful for students-bringing-me-flowers-from-recess season.  I have little vases in my classroom for just this thing.

I'm grateful for this picture my dad texted me, my grandma's daffodils from our house in Nevada:

He included two of the most beautiful words in the English language:  no mice.

Ever since our horrifying mice weekend, my dad has been checking the traps daily and I appreciate him (and the fact that we seem to be at the end of them).

For now.

It isn't for the faint of heart.

(And I have a faint heart.)

I am grateful for no mice!

1 comment:

Marianne said...

Hooray for daffodils and no mice!


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