
Monday, September 30, 2024


We had such a good time! 

I want to record it, but I also need to be brief because it is a super busy week (new practicum teacher starting, parent teacher conferences, 3rd grade come read with me, and I was gone last week so I am still digging out from that)!

Here are the things I loved:

I loved spending time with Adam

We took a little Sunday drive before our flight and visited a national recreation area that used to be a national park.  I felt like it could join a support group of dethroned entities along with Pluto.

I loved being with Adam.  We had a lot of time to talk and just be together and that is rare and welcome.

I loved spending time with my family

We spent a good part of Friday at the National Cowboy Museum, which is a good time, especially with these characters.  We went to Prosperity Junction which is an exhibit of an old time Western town.

Marianne preaching fire and brimstone at the church.

Robert tickling the ivories

Adam, looking for a loan

Mrs. Davis at the one room schoolhouse

My mom, looking very dejected in the jail

Marianne and Olivia rented electric scooters.  (Robert did too, but I didn't get a picture.)

Ammon, Marcos. Liliana and Omar--cuties!

I loved being a tourist in Oklahoma City

Onion burgers at Turner's:  Edgar, me, Adam, Robert, Marianne, my mom, my dad, Liliana. (the boys sat at a different table)

Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial.  It was so pretty at night.

Not pictured, but we also toured the state capitol, the Land Rush monument, took a ride on a boat in the canal, went to my mom's favorite quilt shop, and dipped our toes in the botanical garden.

I love being Mark and Coralee Dahl's daughter

Love these two!

Olivia, me, my mom, my dad, Marianne

I was proud of my dad.

I wasn't even a little bit biased of course, but my dad's bit was the prettiest thing there.

I loved when people found out I was Mark Dahl's daughter and they said, "Oh!"  In this very small corner of the world, my dad is famous, which is kind of fun.

Here is a thing I didn't love:

I didn't love our rental car fiasco

It was man vs. Avis and we lost.  We were defeated.  We were trounced.

Our rental car broke down on the side of the road. 

Avis administered a series of moves that really took the service out of customer service.  Basically it was our problem.

After 4 hours, 4 separate Uber rides, several phone calls, enthusiastic conversations with the customer service  lady at the airport rental agency, we finally ended up with a pickup truck to drive.  The whole experience was soul sapping and aggravating and all the things, but we survived it, though defeated.

Edgar said, "You look good as truck people."

So there's that.

Here's a takeaway:  don't rent from Avis.  I could stitch that on a pillow.

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