
Monday, September 2, 2024


 It's been a weird weekend.

Adam tested positive for Covid on Friday.  He had been feeling sick and we assumed he got the cold Braeden had (which also ended up being Covid).  I felt really run down and achy so I assumed I was getting it too.

I took a test Friday night and it was negative.  The test said if you were exposed and had symptoms and a negative test, test again in 48 hours.

Maybe it was just too early to tell?

Saturday morning I felt awful.  I was sure I had Covid.  I had a sub for Sunday School and a sub for Tuesday.  Then, by the afternoon I was starting to feel better.  

Sunday, I felt all the way better.  It reminded me of one of the things I hate about Covid, not knowing what to do about it.  It seems like we make choices and analyze risk and we're almost always wrong.

Adam and I watched our sacrament meeting.  I was released from Sunday School and was called as a primary activity day leader for boys.

Being a Sunday School teacher was stressful, but I also really liked how much more I studied the lesson when I was teaching (I know, there's nothing stopping me from studying that much even when I'm not teaching....).

Children 8-11 (which are the ages of the boys) are kind of my jam and I'm looking forward to it.  I told Adam I need a curriculum and a scope and sequence.  There isn't one, but there's a website with activity ideas, so that's good.

I watched some training for activity day leaders that I found online and I did some family history. 

It's a long quiet Sunday when you don't go to church or see your kids.

Adam gets stir crazy when he's home too long (I do too, but I have to be home about 100 times longer than he does before I get stir crazy).  We decided to take a drive.  We talked about the risk of being in a car together.  Did I already have Covid?  Certainly I did after being with him all that time.  He wore a mask and kept the air blowing and we went.  We drove past the Provo city center temple and the demolished other Provo temple.  

One thing about Utah County, there's always a temple to drive by.

Later in the afternoon, when it had been 48 hours, I took another Covid test.

It was negative.

Good news because I want to go to school tomorrow.

Bad news because will I still get it?  I was kind of hoping that feeling sick Friday evening and Saturday morning was going to be my Covid.



Marianne said...

You'll be a wonderful primary activity day leader!

Olivia Cobian said...

Congratulations on your new calling!


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