
Friday, August 30, 2024

Grateful Friday

 I really loved the Follow Him podcast this week.  I love it every week.  The guest, Jenae Nelson, talked a bit about gratitude and how it is a pro-social emotion if it is the good kind of gratitude because you will appreciate who gave you whatever it is you feel grateful about.

As opposed to #blessed/look at all the stuff I have.

It made me want to remember who gives me the things I'm grateful for.

I'm grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I appreciate being able to learn more about the gospel from reading scriptures and listening to wise words.  I appreciate people who have put in the work to learn and then share their insights with me.

I'm grateful for eternal families and I'm grateful for temple covenants who bind me to those I love.  My mom sent an email this week on my great grandma's birthday with some of her memories of her grandma.

I remember this same great grandma with such fondness.  My response to my mom's email:  Heaven is going to be such a party!

Imagine getting together with all these people who love us and who we love too!

I'm grateful for the friendship of Joelyn who cuts and colors my hair.  I had an appointment last night and I love chatting with her and getting book recommendations.  She told me about the hard life her friend has and I'm grateful that good people like Joelyn buoy up their friends.

I'm grateful to Omar who has the spiritual gift of not being squeamish about emptying mouse traps.  Nephews are among the best inventions!

I'm grateful for students who straight up delight me and also cause me to stretch.  Always.  Sheesh.  So much stretching!

I'm grateful for a weekend with Adam.  He's going to be gone a lot in the next few months and I'll be grateful for what I have.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

I'm grateful for you & that you recommended the Follow Him podcast to me. I love it, and it was especially good this week! I heard insights I really needed! Love you!


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