Today I'm grateful though.
I love teaching. When I was a newly minted teacher at American Heritage School in Pleasant Grove, Utah, sometimes I would stop and marvel. They're paying me to do this. (They weren't paying me much.)
I also love words. All kinds of words. I love to write words, read words and paint words on the walls of my house.
I love when my loves collide.
Today I had Mark write a description about a picture he drew. We had read "A Chair for My Mother." He drew a picture of his dream chair.
Then he painstakingly wrote a description.
My chair is blue. I like Star Wars. It is blue because blue is my favorite color. I couldn't fit a clone in the picture.
I was thrilled.
It's indescribably exciting to watch my son who in September didn't even know all the letters and sounds, chew his lip, contemplating the letters to write that make the sounds that form the words he wants to express himself.
And I had a front row seat.
And I love Adam. If he didn't work so very hard to provide our life without me having to also get a job, I would be teaching someone else's children to read and write (which I'd enjoy but not as much as this) and someone else would be teaching my own children.
Thank you Adam.
Thank you for my good life.
Today I'm grateful.
Way to go, Mark! (and good job to the teacher too!) Isaiah is doing this lesson today. I told him he could look at Mark's work when he was done with his. He was very excited. He's going to email you his, Mark.
Go Mark! Watching my kids learn is one of the greatest joys in my life too. And I feel pretty good about my kindergarten language skills. I understood everything except "couldn't" and I read "clone" as "clown." Considering it was a Star Wars chair, I was miffed with myself for missing that one. Six is such a cool age.
Wow. Mark's doing great. I'd like to see Isaiah's too!
Good Job Mark! Great job Thelma! I love your love of words.
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