
Friday, September 17, 2010

Lumberjacks and Leggings

When Emma gets home from school, it's like a national holiday around here.  Braeden and I stop what we're doing to talk to her and Mark hits the road because he knows his friends are now home.

We all celebrate holidays in different ways.

A few days ago we were sitting around the table with our snack and Emma's chatter.  She was telling us all about how aMAZing Hannah is at multiplication tables, about the assembly with Australian animals and about how Mrs. Schroeder got mad at the other tables for talking but not hers.

I said, "Did you do any school work?" (by chance?)

She said, "Yes, but I want to tell you about the good things."  And she was off and running talking about recess.

She finally took a breath and asked Braeden about his day "in that ugly shirt."

Braeden wanted a plaid flannel shirt because the 80s are back Big Time.  (What's next, Laura Ashley dresses with big shoulder pads?)  Emma doesn't approve of the plaid flannel.

Braeden smiled and said in his wry way, "I'll have you know that I didn't get ANY compliments on this shirt today."

Emma said, "You look like a lumberjack."

Braeden said, "At least I don't wear pink leggings."

To which Emma's waggish reply was, "I'll have you know leggings are in style--I think."

Braeden started to laugh and said, "I love you, Emma."

She smiled back one of her Emma smiles that involves her whole face.

And I thought, despite their messy rooms, their consta-forgetfulness, the laundry lists of aggravations they cause from time to time...

these two are keepers.

In their droll, self-deprecating, best of friends way, these two are keepers.

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