
Friday, February 18, 2011

...And Everything Nice

I love Emma's friends.  They are supremely nice girls.  They are creative and funny and silly and loyal and genuinely enjoyable to be with.

Emma and Freja have been friends for years and years...Hannah since just this summer when they moved across the street.  If I had thought up a wish list for "friends for Emma" and ordered them on Amazon, I couldn't have come up with better girls.

Freja had play practice so it was only Emma and Hannah at the mall for the Big Ear Piercing.  I forgot to take a picture earlier when she had her look of complete panic.  I think it helped to have Hannah there.  Emma is the queen of the dramatic freak out.  When I told her it didn't hurt that much she discounted it.  When Hannah told her she said, "OK."
The ears!

The girls (Freja joined) went with Hannah's parents to paint ceramics (Hannah's birthday was two days previous so we were having a joint celebration) then we joined up at Alfy's for dinner.

There was a balloon guy there creating their hearts' desires.  That cute boy in the front is Hannah's brother Cal.

We had cake.
By the way...we have a lot of extra cake.  Stop by if you want some.  

And sang with enthusiasm:

Did I mention how much I love these girls?

1 comment:

Marianne said...

We'll be over for cake right after school. Emma's ears look lovely!


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