
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Remember when

Sunday we were driving and reminiscing.  Someone brought up the time Braeden was expelled from school.  Home school.  "Why?" Mark wanted to know.  He was too young to remember.

"Because I hit Mom," Braeden said.

"What!?!" Mark sputtered.  And it is surprising.  Braeden is by far our most mellow child.  Even most mellow children can have tempers though.

Mark needed to hear the whole story and I had forgotten about it so here it is.  It probably should have been one of my "31 Stories."

It was during school and he was mad at me about something or other.  I don't remember exactly how old he was.  I am guessing somewhere in the neighborhood of 8-10 years old.  Young enough that it wasn't really scary that he hit me (it would be scary now), but old enough that, unlike when your two-year-old lashes out, it wasn't OK.

I remember that he hit me and I immediately went in my room and called Adam.  He said something that surprised me, almost as much as Braeden hitting me surprised me.  He said, "I'm calling my dad."

Adam said that Braeden was expelled from school.  Before I knew it, Linn was knocking at the door, there to pick up his eldest grandson.    Braeden wasn't allowed to be home schooled until further notice, he had to go to Grandpa's.

Braeden loved his grandpa.  It wasn't exactly like throwing Br'er Rabbit in the briar patch though.  Braeden said it was the worst day he ever spent with Grandpa.  He cleaned the garage and did some stuff in the attic.  When Adam picked him up on the way home from work, Braeden was in the yard, pulling weeds.

Braeden, of course, was forgiven and never did anything like that again.  Like I said, most mellow child around here.

Thinking about this story reminded me that I miss Adam's dad.  A lot. 

I'm not sure, but Braeden may do something rash and out of character again if it meant he got to spend the day with Grandpa Linn.

He wouldn't even mind pulling weeds all day.


Marianne said...

This made me cry.

Olivia Cobian said...

This made me teary too. What a blessing to have had Grandpa Linn!

Mark Dahl said...

Yes, what a blessing. I miss him every time we come to see you, Thelma.

your mom


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