
Tuesday, April 24, 2018


I picked Mark up from rehearsal and since he knew we were headed to Costco, he immediately started telling me he was famished.

"I know," I said. "You can get a hot dog."

"Oh, Mama..." he said like I had just told him I'd donate an organ to him.

We had to swing by Braeden's on the way (don't ask) so Mark was good and hungry by the time we got to Costco.  He retrieved a cart for me and I handed him some cash and it looked like I was buying the cart from him.

"Come and find me," I said, as he headed to the food court.

I started filling my cart.  We don't buy too much at Costco these days with our diminished family size but this was a different sort of day.  We are not only getting our college kids home this week, but Geri is coming to visit and some extra boys--friends of Braeden's--are coming to stay too.  I don't know how many boys or for how long (don't ask), but I do know we need FOOD.

Mark joined up with me and I think he recognized a bull market.  Buy! Buy! Buy! Because he started finagling his way into filling the cart.  He grabbed a big box of yogurt out of the refrigerated case.  "Too much sugar," I said.

"But Mom," he said, "I've been wanting these for decades."

"You haven't been alive for decades," I pointed out.


"OK," I relented, because that child is spoiled.

Things will change in a few days though.  I have three strong willed children and when they are all three around, they take turns being in charge even though they would each argue they alone should be in charge all the time.

In the meantime, I'll let Mark eat yogurt.

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