
Monday, April 16, 2018

Making my heart sing

Three things I'm happy about this morning:


Emma gave me some nail polish for my birthday and this blue gray shade is the perfect color my soul has been craving.

I was so happy with it I took a picture to text Emma.


Adam and I ran errands together this weekend a few times and it makes me unreasonably happy to run errands with Adam.  Errands by myself is kind of the worst and errands with Adam is one of my favorite things to do.


The text messages.

From Emma:


And then there's this from Adam:

(Emma always has the good replies)

Braeden sent this:

And just this morning, this came in:

If you're wondering why Mark seldom chimes in on these conversations it is because he has blocked the Fam-A-Lam conversations.

On the one hand, I don't blame him and on the other hand, I do point out from time to time what he is missing so he can get caught up.

1 comment:

Gwilliam Fam said...

Mark blocked y'all?!😂


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