
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Flower Girls

I have a feeling my life would be more complete if I saw my nieces more.  I wish they all could have come to visit.

We assembled what we needed + took a trip to the craft store.

They are clever girls with good manners and creative flair.  (Good job Marianne.)

We made flower clips.

And pony tail holders.

Then we branched out.  Diversified.  Played with fire. (notice the bowl of water...just in case)

Marianne, you really should have come too if you didn't want your girls playing with flammable fabrics and open flames.

The results were lovely though.

Very lovely.

A girl should be two things:  classy and fabulous.
Coco Chanel


Marianne said...

I recently discovered that our home isn't adequately covered with fire insurance. Let's keep those open flames in Washington where it's wetter, shall we?

It looks and sounds like my family had a fabulous time. Thanks!

Britta and Julia said...

Love the flower clips and ponies!
Very cute! Maybe when we get together for a Dahl reunion we can make those. Fun! A love the all the girls in our big family!

Britta and Julia said...

I love all the girls in our "big" family :D

Hannah Stevenson said...

I'm jealous...the end.

Jennifer said...

How fun. I love Emma's glasses, the last quote and your blog.


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