
Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Last week at dinner I overheard the following conversation...

Braeden:  I haven't had a coherent dream since I've been sick.

Emma (acting very over-the-top dramatic and Emma-like):  You know what coherent means?!?  I don't know what coherent means!  (turning to me)  What does coherent mean?

Mark:  (muttering under his breath):  Do you know what creepy means?

He's not exactly appreciative of over-the-top dramatics.

We like words around here though.  New words are delightful on the tongue and fun to use.  Even when we're not 100% sure of the meaning.  Or the word.

Our kids were intrigued the other day by Adam's use of the word oxymoron and tried to incorporate it into their vocabulary.

Last night Braeden, in an elaborate and witty description of something or other, tried out oxymoron.

Except he called it citrusoxide which made his story funnier.  And for Braeden, funny is more important than accurate so we were all happy.

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