
Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring work

Our children told me they thought it was going to be spring break and it seemed more like spring work.  I feel terrible that I worked them so hard.  They had to do terrible slave labor like clean up after themselves and empty the dishwasher.  It was intense.  Also, they got to spend time with their friends nearly everyday.  Poor, poor kids.

They have it rough.

Here's what else happened:

1- I made "real" breakfasts as requested by Mark, including pancakes.

You’re not supposed to have cake for breakfast, of course, but somehow pancakes slid through. I don’t know how that happened. It’s like, “Young man you’re not having cake for breakfast. You’re having fried cake with syrup for breakfast." Now load up on that and try not to nap.
- Jim Gaffigan
2- I wrote some.

3- I learned to knit.  Besides finishing Emma's room finally (usually projects don't take me that long--it took longer because I did it with Emma...she's less of a steamroller than I am), learning to knit was the highlight of things for me.

Janet came over to teach me and Jill came over to chat.  Also, I think she was jealous of my skills.  I could tell by the way she kept laughing at me.  I think I'm getting it though!  (It helped that I also took my knitting to book club and got a little help.) 

I have developed a new knitting design.  It's called Swiss Knitting.  I know I'm pretty advanced for just learning but what can I say, some people just have talent.

(It's Swiss Knitting because of all the holes.)

Don't listen if someone tells you that the holes are where I messed up.  I won't listen either.  We'll keep believing in Swiss Knitting.

It's not just our kids complaining--Adam told me I have to do a better job on my photos on my blog because it is driving him crazy to see my bad blurry pictures.  I would say you can't please everyone but I don't think my pictures would please anyone.  So I will try to have better pictures.

(Kindly observe, there is a different between bad pictures and bad knitting.  Don't blame the photo for the above debacle masterpiece.)


Robert Johnson said...

I'm very impressed with your knitting. I can't do it at all.

Robert Johnson said...

Grrr. That was Marianne. Robert also can't knit, coincidentally.

Robert Johnson said...

All three of these posts are actually by Marianne in case you are confused. But I'm stopping now, honest.

Olivia Cobian said...

I don't mind blurry pictures...I prefer them to pictures of me looking like an elephant.


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