
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A new place

I am in a new place.  It's uncharted territory.  And like most times I've been uprooted and thrust into a new place, I'm not sure I like it.

I am in a new place where one of my children is really and truly and genuinely stressed.  He has more to do than he can do.  He is in the midst of finals and training to be a lifeguard and swim instructor and there are only so many hours in a day.

I'm used to my children being unhappy at times.  It began a long time ago.  They were tired, hungry, bored, needed their diaper changed.  I knew what to do to make it better.  Later they would get frustrated because something wouldn't work and I'd fix it for them.  They would fall and get hurt and I would bandage them.  They would get their feelings hurt and I would soothe them.  If nothing else I could distract them.  Cookies worked.

But now, in this new place, (this place I am not sure I like), there is absolutely nothing I can do.  I can't make more hours in the day.  I can't come up with a good alternative to anything.

I can see that more and more, mothering will be like this.  I will be less and less in control of anything.  And everything will get a lot more serious.  It will matter more.  The higher you go, the farther you have to fall.

All I can do is try to get used to this new place.  I don't have much choice, because here I am.  I will try all the coping strategies of the past.  I will provide arms for hugging and warm food.  I will add extra measures of patience and encouragement.

And I will pray.

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