
Thursday, June 13, 2013

My kids' teachers

For the most part, I have been very happy with my children's school teachers.  I like meeting with them at parent teacher conferences and I appreciate how hard they work for my children. 

I think Braeden's teachers either love him or...don't.  He's not everyone's flavor.  His first goal is to make everyone laugh and after that school work is somewhere on the list.

Emma's pretty conscientious so I think her teachers are all at least neutral towards her--how can you dislike the quiet girl doing her work? 

I am grateful for all of their teachers though.

I appreciate the ones that are kind and supportive and sort of cheerleaders in their lives.

I appreciate the ones that are (at least to my children) unreasonable.  There are people in the world like that.  They need to learn to work with them.

I appreciate the teachers that are unbending and immovable with their expectations.

I appreciate the teachers that are flexible and give them second chances.

They need both kinds.

I am grateful for the ones that love their sense of humor and enjoy their personalities.

I am grateful for the ones that...don't.  Because not everyone does.  It's good to learn that.

What I really love are the ones that have a relationship with my kids that is real.  They like each other.

Emma wrote a list of the sayings her geometry teacher said throughout the year and presented him with it.

One of the things he said repeatedly was, "It's so easy Mr. Whiskers can do it."

(I'm guessing Mr. Whiskers is a cat.)

Here's what he wrote in her yearbook:

There's something just wonderful about a middle school geometry teacher who can laugh at himself, write "81 Rules" and the cosine formula in a yearbook.

She underlined the teachers she had.  Just that simple green line under each name means a lot.  Those people mattered to her, so to me also. 

Her teachers.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

I like Emma's geometry teacher. I like that you appreciate all kinds of teachers. "It takes all kinds." I'm assuming you know what movie that's from!


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