
Friday, February 6, 2015

Wrapped up in support

I am not saying I have the best siblings in the world... certainly seems like it though sometimes.

Everyone except Enoch, who is the busiest basketball coach in America, has watched or will watch Braeden's and Emma's show this week.  (Enoch and Jennifer have both texted their regrets.  Those two are good people.) 

My siblings drove from hours away to come and watch and make us feel loved.

(Well, I guess Ammon and Melanee won't have to drive far.)

Still.  It matters to me that this matters to them.

Last night at the show I was on the same row as my parents and Geri.  How lucky are my kids to have such wonderful grandparents that love them?

In the row in front of us were Tabor and Katie and their girls and a few rows up from them were Olivia's crew. 

Sometimes I regret the times when we were growing up and I got into hair pulling fights with Olivia or gathered up all of Tabor's stuff and threw it out of the room where he slept.

(Sometimes I regret being a jerk.)

I never regret being part of this though.  I like being a middle child (one of several).  I am safely planted between my tall, funny, kind brothers and sisters who love my kids, encourage me when I need it, help me when I need it, and send me unfunny memes about the Seahawks after they lose the Superbowl, even when I don't need it. (Enoch!)

I love those kids...and their spouses...and their kids.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

We loved the show! It was amazing. Braeden and Emma were fabulous!


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