
Friday, August 4, 2017

22 years

Today's our anniversary.  We've been Mr. and Mrs. for 22 years and it was a smart move on my part.

Adam's a good man and a good husband and a good father.

Even after 22 years there are things I don't understand about him though.  He likes to referee.  Why would anyone like to referee?  People yell at you.  You do get a whistle; there's that.  But people yell at you.

We like a lot of the same podcasts but he likes weird podcasts too.  His repertoire includes but is not limited to First Mondays which is a podcast about the Supreme Court and Brock and Salk which is Seattle sports radio.  I don't understand it.  Literally, I have no idea what they're talking about.

I also don't understand Adam's willingness--no eagerness--to inconvenience himself to help other people.  I would like to fancy myself as a person that is happy to help other people but I realize I'm a self-centered brat when compared to Adam.

Tonight he's going to help Robert with the Ruby Mountain Relay.  Adam will stay up all night and sit on a dark country road and manage runners so Robert can get a little sleep.  He does it because Robert is his friend/brother-in-law and he wants to help.

He's not normal.

But he's mine.

And I love him.


Mark Dahl said...

I'm glad Adam wants to help Robert because then we get to see you both. Have a wonderful anniversary. We are glad Adam came into our family 22 years ago. We love him too.

Your mom

Geri said...

Happy anniversary! You sell yourself short in all the wonderful qualities you bring to your partnership. Thankfully you like to shop or Adam would be wearing sandals held together with some sort of binding material and without your encouragement probably still driving the Saturn (may it rest in peace). One nice thing about helping Rob out all night is no-one will be telling Adam he should be sleeping more or concerned with what time he goes to bed. Enjoy Nevada.

Adam said...

"Adam would be wearing sandals held together with some sort of binding material and without your encouragement probably still driving the Saturn (may it rest in peace). " She says that like it's some sort of bad thing.

Anonymous said...

So what podcasts do you love to listen to? I could use some recommendations!

Olivia Cobian said...

Mark looks like Braeden in that first picture. I had never noticed that before! I appreciate Adam being at the Ruby Valley church when I wandered in there after midnight. It was great to see family!

Marianne said...

Adam is a gem and a saint. We all love him!


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