
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Tiny notes

Dear To Do List:  You are making me hyperventilate.  Turns out adding to my already mostly busy life a son recently returned from his mission (and all the STUFF that entails) and two kids getting ready for college (and all the STUFF that entails) and the first days of school where all the teachers let you know the small random school supplies is a lot.

Dear BYU website and Alpine School District website:  You are terrible.  The end.

Dear Procrastinators:  Don't let people give you a bad rap.  If I were more like you, I'd be calmer.

Dear Adam:  Thank you for being something of a procrastinator and reminding me that it doesn't all have to be done right now. (Even though I want to do All the Things now.)

Dear Teachers:  I am not interested in your grading policy or attendance policy or really anything about your class.  I'm not in your class.  I don't want to read all this stuff.  I know.  I'm the worst.

Dear Braeden and Emma:  Thank you for recognizing all the signs of when I'm not waving, but drowning.  Thank you for saying, "Mom, how can I help?  What can I do?"  Thank you for being able to drive.

Dear YW leaders everywhere:  Dial back on the cutesy gifts.  I beg you.  Part of the multi column to do list around here has been wrangling useless crap as we go through Emma's closet.  A large portion of the pile are gifts from well meaning YW leaders.  Emma surveys something and says, "Yep, I think I've had that an obligatory amount of time."  And discards it.

Dear Braeden:  Thank you for declaring that you and Mark are going to take "An Incredible Journey" and for taking him to the store for the last (here's hoping) of the random trickle of needed school supplies.

Dear Life Transitions:  You are hard on me.  For the girl who orders the same thing at the restaurant everytime, change is the enemy.

Dear Blog readers:  Thank you for reading even when I'm cranky.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

Good luck with all that busyness!


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