
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Birthday treats

Today's our birthdays, mine and Adam's.  I have a whole slate of things to look forward to.  Kate's student teacher has offered to take over my class for 30 minutes to give me extra prep time.  Janelle is taking my recess duty.  Kate asked me for my lunch order because they're going to slip out and bring lunch back for us to eat together.

They're spoiling me and you can see why I like being on the same team as them.  

Tonight our kids are coming over for dinner (Jersey Mike's sandwiches, Adam-the birthday boy's-idea).  Braeden said he's bringing a cake.  It will be nice.  We're not looking for anything fancy.  Being together is the thing.

It's not that I don't like my birthday, I do, but my students are way more excited about it than I am.  They started talking about it weeks ago.  One of them asked me if I was bringing a "delicious treat" on my birthday.  I said, "Oh.  OK."

Last night Adam and I went to the store.  The plump sugar cookies frosted with pastel colors seemed festive and delicious but also messy.  I finally landed on some unicorn fruity marshmallow bites from the bakery at Macey's.  They appear to be Rice Krispie treats with some Fruity Pebbles mixed in.  They seem festive and what third graders would like.  I also got some birthday cake Oreos.  I didn't even know that was a thing, but again, those kids like gaudy treats.

Balancing the cookies on my lap while we drove home, I told Adam, "I can see why kids like to bring treats for their birthdays."

I'm looking forward to passing them out.  Birthdays are pretty great.  You are celebrating being alive and all the versions of yourself that lead up to who you are now.  I'd say that calls for some unicorn fruity marshmallow bites.


Marianne said...

Happy birthday, my dear!

Geri said...

Happy Birthday, Thelma :)

Olivia Cobian said...

I LOVE this sentence: "You are celebrating being alive and all the versions of yourself that lead up to who you are now."

Thelma, tell me you're still writing!


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