
Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Christmas sing

Yesterday we performed The Christmas Sing for each other.  Today we are performing for the parents.  Twice.  We perform at 9:00 and again at 1:00.

May the odds be forever in our favor.

If you could have bottled up the energy in the gym yesterday, you could have powered a city.  Third grade went straight to recess after because we aren't crazy.

Despite how loud and chaotic it was, it was also really fun.

Here's the third grade, singing their Christmas Candy Calendar a.k.a. Six Pink Peppermints.

Janelle held up the words, I did the actions and Miriam led the singing.  

At the end, the teachers performed Santa Claus is Coming to Town.  We were all in.

That's me sitting down, awkwardly holding that knee drum, waiting for Janelle to pass the microphone to me.

It was ugly sweater day and we were looking...amazing, I guess is the only way to describe it.

During one of our rehearsals, Kristie said, "This is so good!  I feel like we will be chosen for something."

If we were going to be chosen for anything, it would be enthusiasm.

After we performed, the children screamed.  It was kind of awful.  Do rock stars constantly have head-aches?  Because we did.  Actually, Janelle said to me before it even started, "Is it bad that I already have a head-ache?"

Miriam came into my classroom during lunch.  She said, "Do you have any ibuprofen?"

She had come to the right place.  When my own kids ask if I have ibuprofen, I say, "What family were you raised in?  Of course I do."

In the afternoon, we did Christmas mad libs.  You'd be amazed how many times third graders can use toot in a mad libs.  Is it a noun? verb? adjective? Doesn't matter.

A day and a half left.

If we can do this, we can do anything!

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