I would tell you how I came to own my little beauty of a bicycle but I doubt you'd believe me.
After owning it for over eight years, I finally took it on a real bike ride as opposed to just joyful little turns around the cul-de-sac.
And I was a little nervous.
I know how to ride a bike. I bounced over the rocky dirt roads of my youth on various bikes...my favorite a pink one with a daisy print banana seat and pink daisies on the front basket where I'd stash my doll and away we'd go.
I'd just never ridden a bike on...um....streets.
The preparation was a lot like going horseback riding with my dad though.
My dad used to inspect my horse's shoes.
Adam checked the air in the tires.
My dad used to adjust the saddle stirrups to the length of my legs.
Adam gauged the correct seat height.
My dad used to load horses in a horse trailer, side by side, one at a time.
Adam put the bikes in the van the same way.
When I donned a bicycle helmet for the first time in my life (I had borrowed Braeden's), it flopped from side to side. I told Adam I needed a stampede string like my dad made for me to keep my cowboy hat on.
Adam took the helmet and adjusted the strap.
It wasn't the first time I wondered if I'd married a suburbanite version of my dad.
One spring I was riding with my dad. Boulder Creek near our house was raging and had washed out the bridge. My dad spurred his big bay, Wellington, into the swirling water and I thought, "Really? You want me to do that?" and I nervously coaxed the horse I was riding, Luke, to follow.
Last night, when Adam zipped across the street in downtown Everett, I thought, "Really? You want me to do that?"
But I did.
And it wasn't bad.
We made it to the quiet streets of Rucker and Grand Avenue in North Everett which is where we want to live when we grow up (assuming we become bank robbers and can afford it).
It was a spectacular night. From the bluff the Sound stretched before us. There were kite surfers and sailboats out. Everything from the soul soaring sunset reflecting on the water, to the salty scent, to the just right temperature made it one spectacular night.
After we'd loaded up the bicycles we headed back to Mill Creek and to The Blazing Onion. It was necessary to satisfy my sweet potato fries craving.
For our dinner we ordered sweet potato fries, onion rings and a blackberry milkshake to share. We eased our guilt by sharing a spinach salad as well.
What more can I say? It was a taste sensation.
I think I love where I live and the man I live here with.
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