
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The More I Have to Do, the More I Neglect It

I find that my favorite way to neglect tasks is to blog.

So here I go. Here's a story about a cute little boy:

He's the sharpshooter on the left.

He's about 7 or 8.

At least that was how old he was last time I checked.

Something happened while I wasn't looking because he took this pretty girl to the prom:

Turned into a builder (of igloos and concrete parking structures):

Then married the same gorgeous woman he took to the prom:

Then somehow, this picture showed up on my screen:

My baby brother, the one who's still about 7 or 8 (at least that's what I thought), with maybe the cutest baby in the world:

Cormac Ammon Dahl

Yes, I'm a bit of a proud aunt.


Anonymous said...

What a dear, dear blog and what a dear, dear brother.

Olivia Cobian said...

How do you have all these pictures from our growing up time?


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