
Friday, October 23, 2009

To My Tens of Readers

Here's the problem:

Though you are loved dearly by me, there aren't that many of you. I want some lucky person to get these shoes next but when you consider that they are size 9 (my tall and stately sisters haven't seen size 9 since their tween years...and there are some of you petite people with smaller feet...) and that they will be handed off to the next Traveling Shoe torch bearer, I'm wondering just how many takers I'll get to enter my drawing.

So here's my humble plea:

Will you help me spread the word? On your own blogs will you direct your readers my way to enter my drawing?

(Olivia, call me and I'll tell you how to do the link thing.)

All you (or the multitudes of participants you conjure up for me) have to do is enter a comment (on this post) and I'll enter you in my drawing to be held on January 22 so check back then to find out if you won!

Thank You!


lifeatthewhitehouse said...

Those shoes are so cute!! Too bad they're like two sizes too big for me....I'll see if I can figure a link from my blog to you...

Olivia Cobian said...

Beautiful shoes--they'd go with anything! My heels could hang off the back! Only two people read my blog. You're one of them and the other one reads your blog too.

Clarissa Johnson said...

Desi and I love these shoes. Desi is size 8 and I am size 10 but I think that since they are sandals they might fit. We would like to be in your drawing!

Anonymous said...

I've always hated the story of Cinderella for just this reason. Grrrrrr! Marianne

Susie and Jay Larson said...

I linked it. They are so cute. I am size 9 1/2 so perhaps there is hope.

Anonymous said...

I would like to be in it. I am a perfect size nine, and I am very bored of all my other sandals....Hawaii is only sandals.

This is Katherine, Mariannes sister in law.

Susie said...

Love the purple shoes very cute. I would love to be in your drawing for sure.

Lala said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lala said...

I'd love to be in the drawing! I'm in CA and always love a pretty pair of shoes, although I would need to invest in a new pedi to show off- =)
(I'm one of Chistie H's. adopted sisters).

Hannah Stevenson said...

So wait is it too late Thelma? HOW DID I MISS THIS?! I'd love to post about it on the While They Sleep blog...there's bound to be a few size 9's out there. I'm with Marianne about Cinderella. BOO!

Crystal @ Semi-Crunchy Mama said...

I saw Hannah's post on While They Were Sleeping, and this sounds like such fun! My feet got bigger during my pregnacy, and I had to pass on all my cute-but-no-longer-fitting shoes. I now fit perfectly in a size 9!
It's cold & snowy here in New England, but I'd still show these shoes a great time!

lajamison said...

Fun! Fun! Fun! I read about this on the 'While They Are Sleeping' blog (Thanks Hannah). Please put me into the drawing. I live in WI where we have not quite a foot of snow on the ground, but I know I would wear them out and about. I hope they come to me.

Britta and Julia said...

Hi Thelma,
Love those shoes. I used to wear a size 9, before I had kids. Now I'm a size 10. Darn! I will post this on
What a great idea! Traveling shoes!
Love you!

Carol said...

Oh how fun, what a great idea! I think I could fit in them, it would be a great excuse to get a pedi! I'll post it on my blog tomorrow. Thanks for doing something so fun in these dreary winter months! Stop by and visit me.

HB, The Impulsive Minimalist said...

The TWO of us at Lucky Star Lane are both size 9s, so we would LOVE to win. Even in the cold winter of Michigan, we would vow to shed our boots inside and show these shoes a good time...especially with an obligatory pedicure to get our feet camera ready!

Thanks for the opportunity :)

-Heather & Erin

Jen said...

Well hello! I LOVE them there shoes. I have an adventure ahead of me and would love the shoes to come along. And, guess what?! They would fit me. I promise to paint my nails, pumice any calluses and take lots of pictures. BTW. How exciting is it to have this many comments? I hope I know some day. Hee, hee!

Alena Jo said...

Alrighty! I think it's weird how I stumbled upon this. I subscribe to the blog "While They Sleep..." in my Google Reader. I followed her link to yours about the shoes. But your name made me think, "small world!" You know my sister Audrey, and I grew up with the kids in the Davis family (Megan's my age). Crazy...! I met you many, many years ago, probably 8 or so.

Anyhoo. I wear a size 9 shoe and all I wear year-round is sandals (except my running shoes). I live in AZ. They're adorable. I could definitely show them a good time here in AZ and then pass them along! Hope I'm picked!

Jennie said...

What a great idea! Pick me, pick me! lol!

Deborah W said...

Found you via While They Sleep. I wear a size 9! I live in northern Cali where it's cold, foggy, and rainy most of the time right now, but I am a rebel at heart and would love to raise some eyebrows by wearing these shoes at the most inappropriate times!

Thx for the fun idea; I'll be watching those shoes, no matter where they go!


Ilene said...

Crud, I left you a comment in the wrong spot.

I want in on the drawing too. I would love to wear Diane's shoes as I go deliver goodies to her son serving a LDS mission here in Boise.

Pick me! Pick me!

Linsey said...

Pick me, pick me. I know the original owner (Diane) of the traveling shoes and I would love to be the next recipient!


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