One year on Christmas Eve, we lived in the Bay Area. Our children (ages 3 and 1) were nestled all snug in their beds, envisioning sugarplums and Adam and I flipped on the TV. On PBS, they were broadcasting Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat starring Donny Osmond. We were delighted and decided Braeden would love it too. Though he was 3 and though it was late, we woke him up and brought him to the couch to watch it with us.
And thus it began.
Our family's love affair with Joseph.
We bought the video and our kids know practically all of it. When the opportunity arose to take them to the 5th Avenue Theater in Seattle to watch it, we were fortunate enough to be able to go (Go, Go Joe!).
We had a great time (and had fun seeing a lot of our friends).
Mark remembered when we walked in the door at home that I'd promised him a treat if he was good and Braeden and Emma (I know, who's surprised?) were hungry. So we all had pop-tarts and milk except Adam. He was disdainful of pop-tarts at 11:00 at night.
Yay! What a perfect place for them to go. Those shoes NEED a good musical.
Come to think of do I!
So glad you all had a wonderful time seeing Joseph, and you even ended the evening with a fun treat.
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