
Friday, April 23, 2010

Self Inflicted

Next to his "Uncle Rico" pose, this is Mark's default setting when he sees a camera.

Last night I had a meeting. When I'd been home about 20 minutes,  Mark had crashed and hurt himself at least 5 times.  One of his good tricks is to run at full speed and slide on the carpet like he's Manny Ramirez. 

 I couldn't find the photo credit, but it's not case you were wondering.

Then he moans and groans about the pain that caused.  He leads a dangerous-seven-year-old-boy-existence.

I tell him, "Be careful with yourself.  You're the only Mark I have."

He doesn't listen.

On Tuesday, I was changing the sheets in my boys' room.  My hand slipped mid pillow case removal and I sliced my thumb with the fingernail on my index finger.  (I've since cut every fingernail completely off.) A stupid injury. A real bleeder.  And I did it to myself.

Self inflicted wounds are maybe the worst kind.  Because in addition to being hurt, you feel foolish.

As I was re bandaging my thumb today I started thinking more about self inflicted wounds.  Maybe there are some worse than sliced thumbs.  There's jealousy, over scheduling, refusing to say no, refusing to say yes, eating too many brownies, deciding you're too busy to exercise, impatience...

They all cause trouble.  And they're self inflicted.  My lecture for the day:  for me and you.

Be careful with yourself.


Marianne said...

Did you have to include deciding you are too busy to exercise?

Olivia Cobian said...

I made cookies and I can't stop eating them, even though I'm trying to not gain as much weight this pregnancy. Is this a place for self-inflicted wound confessions?


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