
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Davis Convalescent Home for Oral Surgery

Well, this is fun.  Marianne thinks that I'm doing her a big favor and I won't tell her any differently because sure, I want her to think I'm a nice sister.

But this is fun.

Desi had her surgery yesterday morning.  She did remarkably well.  (The doctor predicted today may be worse.)  Yesterday afternoon she and I did crafts together.  She is very skilled with that sort of thing.  Also, she's a very busy teenager.  The high achiever apple did not fall far from her mother's tree.  At this stage of Desi's life, she doesn't have much time to sit at a table and string beads and chat.  I don't take the time either very often (and my own daughter holes up to write every free minute she can...she's at over 30,000 words and started November 3).  I loved being with Desi while our hands were busy.  I loved just talking to her and finding out more about her life.

She really is a stellar girl, which surprises exactly no one.

Our kids are enjoying this too.  Maybe too much.  When I picked them up from school (yes, I'm still doing that...if Adam would stop taking business trips, maybe we'd buy another car), Braeden said, "So is Zombie Jaw there?" (She got a bone implant.)

I said, "Braeden! You are not calling her that!"

"I know, I know," he said, "I'll be really nice until she's healed.  I'll wait until Thanksgiving."

When we got home Desi was asleep on the couch.  She woke up and smiled and said, "Hi Braeden!" Then she got up to give him a hug.

All bets were off.  She seemed fine to Braeden so the teasing commenced.

Also Deseret went with us to our Young Women meeting at church.  We assembled gifts bags and delivered them to a rest home.  The ladies there were hilarious and it made us all feel really good.  Then we made turkeys and acorns out of cookies and candies with the girls and listened to Michael Bublé Christmas songs.  For the first time I felt a more comfortable and friendly vibe from the girls that are in my charge now.

Maybe Desi's a good luck charm. 

I convinced Marianne to let Morgan and Carolina stay here tonight too.  Mark is over the moon for some time with cousins.

Occasionally I think moving was a big fat mistake.  Spending time with these people is not one of those times. 


Jennifer said...

I wish I would have had my recovery at your house!!

Marianne said...

It is a great convalescent home. The Davises are amazing and they have the best walking path! We might all move in with them soon.


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