
Friday, April 10, 2015

Stupid tired/lazy day

Yesterday I was tired.  I had a million things to do (laundry! I'm speaking in church on Sunday! And teaching a lesson!) but no motivation.

My get up and go had got up without me.

I had an eye appointment and started one load of laundry and had my kids do some dishes.  Then I gave up.

I put on yoga pants.

We went to the store and bought junky junk food.  We picked up Adri along the way.  It was easy to find Emma and Adri at the store because I just had to follow the laughter.  I don't just like Adri for her great laugh, but it would be reason enough.

We picked up Braeden's car from the shop which is back in tip top shape.

And thus ends the "productive" part of my day.

I don't really know what else we did.  Emma and Adri were supposed to be working on a school project.  Apparently the first step was hair and makeup:

I don't know what is so funny with these two, but apparently something always is.

We got The Boxtrolls from Redbox and watched it.  (We liked it.)

We didn't even eat most of the snacks we bought.  I guess we were too tired.


Oh today, I'm going to set the world on fire.

(Or at least do more laundry.)

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