
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Happy holidays

I have a collection of Halloween riddles and I wrote one on the board every day in October (every day I was there, so not every day).

How can you tell it's a cemetery?

From all the coffin. (coughin')

Yesterday a student asked me if I had any Thanksgiving jokes.

I said, "I don't know any."

Another student excitedly said, "I know one!"

"OK," I said.  "What is it?"

She said, "What did the turkey say to the cookie?"

"I don't know, what?"

"Wake up!"

It was one of those times when I really had no words.

Yesterday we talked about Veterans Day and I showed them my poppy bracelet that I bought at Normandy.  We talked about the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.  We talked about what a veteran is.  Everyone wanted to tell me about the veterans in their lives.  Then they wanted to talk about wars.  "When was the Revolutionary War anyway and why did they cross a river?"

Things like that.

It's nice to have those conversations though.  Veterans matter.

On my way home, I turned on the radio and they were playing Christmas music.  Mark would have had an aneurism if he had been in the car.  Christmas music before Thanksgiving is a high crime to him.

I didn't change the station though.

And I'm not even sorry.  

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