
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Oh, to be a third grader

We have been doing addition and subtraction (once they passed the addition) timed tests every day.  I have students that have never completed one test.

Now we've started multiplication and even though it's kind of ridiculous because it's so easy, I gave them a multiplication by zero timed test.  I know they know that the answer to every question is zero.  They were incredulous and giddy because it was so easy.

Students that are never fast said, "Done!" before the time was up and they were exultant.

There was one student though who didn't get them correct.  She put all sorts of random numbers as answers.  I know about hard things in her life that are sad and chaotic.  I know that she hurt her foot at the recess right before the timed test.  I know she was having a bad day and that she'll get it eventually.

The students around her saw her test and a murmur flew around the room.  "______ didn't get it!" "______ got it wrong even though it was just all zeroes!"

Then one student said, "It's OK!"

Then a chorus of "It's OK!" went around the room.  The student who had struggled on the test grinned.  I think I took a breath because I'd been holding mine.

If third graders ruled the world it would be a kind place.

No one would be able to keep track of their pencil, but it would be a kind place.

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